

Passion Week Part 1

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Passion Week Part 1

Malta’s religious roots lie deep and were sown when St Paul who was on his way to Rome to be tried, swam ashore to the Island of Melita, after the ship he was on, sank just off what are now known to be St Paul’s’ Islands.  The Maltese were introduced to Christianity in the year 60AD and have retained their faith since then.

Various rulers dominated the islands since that time and Malta’s colorful history is testimony to how fervent the Maltese cherish their Christianity. The traditional re-enactments of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ during Good Friday and all the events taking place starting between Palm Sunday and Easter are tantamount how passionate the Maltese are about their beliefs. Various parishes possess an additional influx of organizational skills, dedication and the sheer amount of volunteers who painstakingly prepare months ahead for the pageantry, street processions with kilometers of people carrying statues, passion plays and tables laden with food reminiscent of the last supper. All this will take place between the 6th April and the 20th April this year and certainly not to be missed.